Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hola Familia

This week has been so awesome! Last Friday there were a bunch of people from Honduras here. They were visiting the temple so we got to talk to them and teach them the first lesson in Spanish! They were still acting because they are members of the church but it felt real! I had my first embarrassing Spanish moment tho.  After we were done we asked him what he did in is free time and he started listing some things.  And then he yo soy un obispo which is I am a bishop.  But I thought for some reason he said I play baseball so i was like oh yo tambiene which is like me too!  But I obviously wasn't a bishop so it was embarrassing. I explained and he understood,  he laughed and so did my companion but its okay haha! It didnt help that he was like 5 feet tall and looked like he was 19 haha! Yesterday tho we actually got to go out proselyting!!! It was awesome, we got to go where ever we wanted for three hours in the city, they gave us 16 pamphlets and 2 books of Mormon!! We found 9 investigators that wanted the missionaries to come over and teach them more! It was so awesome really the people here are seriously so nice! They are way accepting and are willing to listen.  They are dirt poor for the most part but you can just tell how thankful they are for what they do have.  Its amazing! We talked to one guy who was sitting in the shade out side.  He was really interested and wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon so we gave it to him and read him a little passage.  You could just tell how interested he was so we left him with a copy of it and then we left.  About an hour later we were on our way back and he was sitting in the same place reading it.  We asked him how it was going and he loved it! He couldn't stop smiling, we both bore our testimonys and the spirit was so strong it was awesome!  The missionaries are going house to house next week! I cant wait to get out and actually serve.  The MTC is awesome but its so repeatitive I can't wait to fall in love with the people! We went to the distribution center today and there were some missionaries that are serving in the south mission in there.  We talked to them for about a half hour.  They were really cool! They said in some places they have served its 110 degrees all day long its crazy! But i cant wait for that haha they said you just eat tons of awesome fruit and that all the people are so awesome.  They said the main problem is that they are so interested in everything but 60 percent of the people cant read! So it gets really hard to progress with them.. that will definitely be a challenge but it is possible!  The people here really are amazing and very loving! Its always really hot here I got a pretty nice tan yesterday haha (don't mean to rub it in mom). We also met our mission president today for about 5 minutes he is a really awesome guy he speaks English and he told us that he doesn't like people messing around.  So if we have a bad trainer to tell him and he will fix it. He is a really awesome guy! The temple here is beautiful,  its really small though! Its so much different then the one in the U.S but the Spirit is the same! Try to go to the temple as much as you can the spirit will teach you everything you need to know in the temple! I love this place it is awesome!  I really cant think of anything I need.. but yes I got grandma and grandpas letter yesterday it was awesome to hear from her I will try to write hand written letters next week and send them.  I sent one to Krista and Will today. I love you guys so much! Family is the biggest blessing in my life and you have all taught me so much! Thanks for everything I hope everything continues to be awesome until next week.. con amor elder lewis

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